Episode 7

Chapter 7 - Draw the Line

Chapter 7 - Draw the Line

Jack is amazed by the open air market at the Maxwell Street. While he’s enjoying in the sight full of life, he gets introduced to an inspiring serial entrepreneur, Ted’s friend and customer named Ben. Ben runs many businesses, but he’s mainly a pawn shop owner loaning money on all sorts of items, eventually selling those items to customers who would never set foot to a pawn shop. Ted gives a recipe to Jack that can help him with focusing on the positive things in his life - called Drawing the Line.

Adapted from the book:

The Titan: A Business Parable with Time Travel


Written by Steve Werner and Rick Butts

Narrated by Robb Conlon for Westport Studios LLC

Sound design by Clement Mattox, Sound Engineer

Produced by Podcast Town

About the Podcast

Show artwork for The Titan Podcast Series
The Titan Podcast Series
A Business Parable With Time Travel

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